Catholic Campus Ministry
Lent Reflection Book
Every spring during the season of Lent, the ministry publishes a collection of daily reflections, designed to show the wide variety of members of the Catholic Community at Penn State. Reflection writers included everyone from undergraduate varsity hockey players to emeritus faculty. The reflections are collected via an online form, then briefly edited for clarity and content before I place them into the designed book. We have approximately 2,500 books printed and then distribute them at our six Ash Wednesday masses. Below are covers from the past eight books, and you can also download a PDF of this year's book.
Weekly Publications
Due to worship space limitations, the ministry prints weekly worship aids containing all the hymns to be used at the liturgies. I design this weekly worship supplement (you can view the two spreads below on the left from a sample worship aid), and print approximately 650 copies. The weekly bulletins (comprising the right three pages below) contain all the ministry announcements and news, along with upcoming events both on-campus and in town and the surrounding areas. (The cyan color on the cover indicates the places where the printer's seasonal color goes.)