Willa Z. Silverman

Clients: Willa Z. Silverman, Institute for the Arts & Humanities, The Pennsylvania State University

Speaker: Willa Z. Silverman, Professor of French and Jewish Studies, Penn State University

Dates: Spring 2009, October 2014

Icons: The Eiffel Tower
Weiss Seminar, Penn State University [2009]

Paris/Moscow/St. Petersburg: Franco-Russian Relations in Politics, Society, and the Arts
Weiss Seminar, Penn State University [2009]

The Cahiers of Henri Vever: Life and Art in Paris 1900
Weiss Seminar, Penn State University [2009]

Two Dandies of the Belle Époque: Sergei Diaghilev and Robert de Montesquiou
Weiss Seminar, Penn State University [2009]

Doors to Dreams: Flight, Evasion and the Bibliophilic Imaginary in Fin-de-Siècle France
40th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, San Juan, Puerto Rico [2014]